Official Home of College Disc Golf and the Collegiate National Championship

Conference Step by Step Help

August 10, 2023 | By John Baker

Guide for College Disc Golf Conferences

STEP 1: Check your Conference Pulse

To assess the state of your college disc golf conference, gather the following information:

  1. Number of Colleges or Universities in your Conference’s geographical area.
  2. Number of colleges in your Conference that have disc golf courses on campus or within 3 miles.
  3. Number of colleges in your Conference that participate in at least one conference event.
  4. Number of colleges in your Conference that attended last season’s National Championship.
  5. Number of Conference Events held each season (aim for at least four schools).

Consider the following factors:

  • Distance: Determine how far teams are willing to drive for events, categorizing it as local (15-30 minutes), day trip (30-120 minutes), or overnight (2-4 hours).
  • Entry fees: Assess the affordability of entry fees for players, categorizing it as $10 or less, $15-30, or $40-60.

STEP 2: Gather Information – State of Things

If you struggled to answer the above questions, take some time to gather information. Tracking your Conference year after year will help identify growth opportunities. Store data in a spreadsheet to keep it organized.

STEP 3: Network – Asking the Right Questions

Reach out to relevant individuals and organizations to build connections and gather information:

  • Intramural & Recreation Coordinators: Inquire about offering disc golf to students and potential support in sourcing baskets at wholesale prices.
  • Local Disc Golf Clubs: Find out if any college disc golfers participate in their leagues and events. Explore the possibility of organizing a disc golf event on campus in collaboration with the club.
  • Corporate Business Sponsors: Seek sponsorship opportunities for the Conference Season or hole sponsorship at the Conference Championship.

STEP 4: Be a Resource

Act as a resource for the conference teams and individuals involved. Provide information, support, and guidance to ensure a successful and cohesive conference experience.

STEP 5: Organize the Conference Season

  • Determine the number of events: Consider the maturity of your conference and the geographical location. A new conference may start with two events, while a more established one could have up to eight events.
  • Geographic accessibility: Plan conference events with proximity and travel distance in mind to ensure teams can participate conveniently.
  • Conference Championship: Select a location somewhat centrally located among all teams and aim for a neutral course if possible.
  • Regular Conference events: Encourage College Clubs to host events, giving them a sense of ownership and an alternating home course advantage. Ensure events are open and accessible to all conference teams.

STEP 6: Promote

Promotion is key to attracting participation and creating excitement for the conference season. Consider the following promotional strategies:

  • Local promotion: Issue pre and post-event press releases, engage local clubs, and involve them in volunteer roles.
  • Regional promotion: Share event results on disc golf club social media pages and college athletic Facebook pages. Consider contracting a disc golf videography crew to provide post-event YouTube coverage.
  • Event promotion: Build hype for maximum attendance. Allocate a budget for trophies and consider event swag such as hats, shirts, and other merchandise to promote the event and team back on campus.


Remember to prioritize enjoyment and camaraderie throughout the conference season. Encourage a positive and supportive environment that fosters the love of disc golf and brings teams together.

By following these steps, you can create a vibrant and thriving college disc golf conference that offers exciting competition and fosters the growth of the sport. Enjoy the journey and have fun!

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